Easy fix to instantly make women more receptive

I just remembered this bootcamp in Auckland a few years ago, where one of my students was approaching women with what he thought were all the “right moves.”

He was decked out in the trendiest outfit…

Was reeling off the flirtiest of lines…

And not for a second did he “run out of things to say”…

But despite making all these plays, he couldn’t seem to get the girls to give him their Instagram handle, let alone their number.

And because I was watching the entire interaction play out from 5 meters away, I got a hold of what was missing.

So I proceeded to ask him:

“What do you think went wrong?”

He tapped his lips with his fingers, reflecting for a brief moment, and went on to say…

“Umm…I should’ve conveyed more value.”

“Well, did you realize that you weren’t smiling while talking to the girls?” I asked him.

He was in complete denial at first. But when I showed him the footage of his interactions, it hit him like a truck.

He was talking to the girls with this serious, serial killer look on his face…

Which was now keeping him from developing a connection with them.

Turns out this guy wasn’t used to smiling much at people in his day-to-day life…

And as a result, this stone-cold look was now his “new normal” while talking to women.

So I told him to make a conscious effort to get his facial muscles to smile in the next few interactions.

At first, he found it a bit weird, but with a little bit of repetition…

I watched in amazement as the girl he approached seemed more and more at ease around him…

Giggling at his jokes…

And willing to get to know him. (:

But it didn’t end there…

This guy walked away with a bunch of numbers, leaving the girls excited to meet him in the future.

Ama, as you can probably tell…

A genuine smile speaks volumes and it’s more important than you think.

Universally recognized as a sign of warmth and acceptance, a good ol’ fashion smile not only helps break the ice with women…

But also opens up an emotional channel to help deepen your connection for the remainder of your interaction.

And since women are emotional beings that are drawn to positive emotions, well… connect the dots for yourself!

And the best part is that not only does smiling help you make an external impact on your interactions…

But it also helps you boost your emotional state, which feeds into your interactions with others.

See how this works?

Alright then, if you’re guilty of repelling women because of the serious look on your face…

I want you to make a conscious effort to smile the next time you’re out there.

It’s one of those small hacks that can make a world of a difference in your interactions.

And it doesn’t take much effort. So do it. Just Click here to book your 15-minute discovery call.

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